Banjo-Kazooie 666

It was a perfectly normal day when I went out on my bike. Until when I was riding, I saw a strange looking house that looked like Banjo's house on Banjo-Kazooie, except it looked more haunted! Now as you all know, I'm a huge Banjo-Kazooie fan, so I decided to check out the house. On the way to the house I saw my friend who I've known since I was 10! I asked him if he wanted to go see the house with me, and he said yes, so we went to see the house together, and on the way, I saw a coin that had a picture on it, but I couldn't see what the picture was, because it was covered in dust, so I just put it in my pocket and continued to walk to the house that looked like Banjo's house from Banjo-Kazooie.
On the way to the house I tripped and the coin fell out of my pocket, and a little bit of the dust fell off. I decided to wipe the rest of the dust off to see what the picture was, and it looked like a picture of Banjo's sister, Tooty... But she was bleeding!!! I walked to the house that looked like Banjo's house, and when I got there, I saw one of the windows were broken, and since the door was locked, I went through the window. Inside was an old man covered in hair. The old man told me to give him the coin with Tooty on it, and I did. Then he gave me a black Nintendo 64 cartridge with a plain white label on it that said Banjo-Kaz and the rest was blured out, probably because someone rubbed it with their finger.
The old man told me to never play that game, and then blood started to leak out of his eyes. Then he died!!! I walk out of the house with my new N64 game, and went home. I sat on my bed staring at the game deciding weather or not to play it, and I decided to. I put the cardridge in my gray Nintendo 64 and turned on the system. I heard nothing, and the screen was black! I waited, and waited for almost an hour. I decided to take out the cartridge and put it back in. Maybe it would work then, but it did the same thing.
I started to get worried, so I called my friend over. The same friend that walked to the house that looked like Banjo's house with me. His name was John. He came over, and I showed him the problem. He looked behind the TV and the TV was unplugged! This startled me, because I never even touched my TV cord before, and my mom was at the store getting me peanut butter so I could make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I plugged the TV in, and turned on the system. It showed a picture of Tooty's head covered in blood just like the coin, but only for about a fourth of a second. Then the Banjo-Kazooie opening started up, showing Banjo running around through the first level, Spiral Mountain. The first thing I noticed was that there was no music... Only sound effects, and a faint screaming in the background... Then I noticed that Kazooie was dead in Banjos backpack, and covered in blood!!!
I started to scream, and threw my controller at the TV, and the TV went black! I looked on the other side of the TV, and the cord was still plugged in. But then when I looked back at the TV, it showed a picture of Tooty covered in blood, and the background looked like the house that I went to with my friend, John. The house that looked like Banjo's house, but more haunted. Then, Tooty started to crawl out of the TV. I got scared, so I called 911, but before I could type in the last 1, the phone turned into blood! Then I heard Tooty say "I'm coming for you!". I was cornered in my house, all alone with Tooty trying to kill me.
But then, I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, Tooty was gone. I looked at my hand, and I was starting to grow hair really fast! Almost as if I was turning into a bear, like Banjo! Hair just kept growing, and pretty soon, I looked like the old man that sold me the game. I regret playing the game to this day on, and now I have to shave my whole body every day because I didn't listen to the old man. Now, you can go back to playing your game, but whatever you do, always remember this: Respect your elders. Or you'll end up like me...